Frequently Asked Questions
Renovating our south building will allow us to unite our campuses and grow to full capacity of 380 students—PreK through 8th grade—and significantly expand the scope of our programming and community partnerships. Here are some frequently asked questions about the campaign. For more information, please contact

What was the building purchase cost?
Both buildings were bought at auction in 2018 for $125,000 from Chicago Public Schools.
Would it be cheaper to build a new building?
No, especially not one of this building’s size, beauty, and history! In Chicago, a new school building with 62,000 sq. ft. would cost over $33MM. With public grants we are able to secure, we will only pay about 40% of the cost to build a new building.
How viable is this project?
Giving capacity and interest remain high, and our move to the West Side has been very successful, with strong neighborhood relationships and continued enrollment interest. We are working with a trusted governing board and staff leadership team who all agree that this is the correct time for this next step in the life of our school, and that we are prepared to undertake what the Lord has set before us. On average, the first ten supporters of this project tripled their contributions in comparison to those made toward The Field School’s first building.
What if we don’t meet our funding goals in 2024?
If we do not secure the public funding during the 2023-24 school year, we will continue to solicit private support and will pursue the same funding sources the following year, pushing our move-in date to the 2026-27 school year. (This isn’t ideal, as construction costs continue to increase, the likelihood of public funding goes down, and maintaining a split campus is more expensive and logistically challenging.)
When would campaign contributions be needed?
Pledges can be fulfilled in 2024 and 2025. Given the current strain of operating two campuses, we are comfortable beginning construction with 85% of the funds in hand as pledges are paid and new solicitations continue to be made.
How will this campaign impact the number of students who need Partners?
As our school continues to grow, continued financial support will be needed to cover general operations and student financial aid. Supporters can give through our Partner Program to help sponsor seats in our classrooms, and we invite current Partners to give to this campaign above-and-beyond their current annual support.
How can I tell others about The Field School?
The best way to share the vision is to invite a friend on a Vision Tour of the school. Click here or contact for more information.