About The Field School
The Field School is a diverse, classical school on the West Side of Chicago. We feed the hearts and minds of children through rigorous study rooted in a Christ-centered environment. Our approach is holistic, helping Pre-K through 8th grade students from all backgrounds experience being known and loved as they grow.

The Field School
A Diverse, Classical, Christ-Centered School Located on Chicago's West Side
The Field School brings to the front of the line children who would not otherwise have access to strong education options. We believe that all students benefit from a diverse setting and can be empowered to be agents of renewal throughout our city and beyond. We want to break destructive cycles of disinvestment, racism, and community fragmentation and instead sow seeds of life, hope, and reconciliation with God and one another.
Cultivating a field is both joyous and hard, requiring patience, humility, and hope. Producing lasting fruit is even more demanding. Our prayer is that through our school, new life will sprout up in Chicago, “not of perishable seed, but imperishable” (1 Pet. 1:23).
May people flourish in the cities like the grass of the field.
Mission Distinctives
Deep Christian Faith
The Field School exists to glorify God and help students and their families enjoy deeper union with Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our schedule, curriculum, personnel, and culture are all ultimately centered on Christ and his Word. We celebrate orthodox Christian faith and treasure the global history of the Church. Children are seen as image-bearers of God, persons with extraordinary capacities and an eternal future.
In line with our commitment to bear witness to the Gospel and serve the children of Chicago, we welcome families who do not identify as Christian to enroll. In all things, grace, humility, and love are the guiding ideals that shape our life as a community.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Classical Education
We are a classical school influenced by the thought of Charlotte Mason. We believe that education should kindle our hearts, sharpen our minds, and fill our mouths with praise of the God who created all things.
Great books, rigorous discussion, close observation, fine art, and joyful discovery fill Field School classrooms. Students gain a broad view of world history but focus on developing strong proficiency in mathematics and language arts, the essential skills for acquiring new knowledge. Habit formation and growth in Christlikeness shape all interactions between teachers and students.
An observant child should be put in the way of things worth observing.
Kingdom Diversity
We are a diverse school. We believe that the full expression of the kingdom of God depends on rich and diverse community. Racial and socioeconomic diversity are an essential aspect of our school’s service to Chicago and the surrounding area.
Over half of our seats are reserved for students from low-income families. We prioritize the perspectives of the communities we serve in our curriculum and community life. Students grapple with a breadth of diverse thinkers, texts, and artwork, and we promote relationship building among our families, staff, and neighborhood.
School ProfileJesus Christ inspires the church not just to tolerate difference, but to affirm the talents and gifts of each human being, and to then celebrate the rich diversity among God’s people with justice and mercy for all.