A Typical Day in Pre-K
Through large group lessons, small group centers, and discovery play time, Pre-K students at The Field School begin to learn phonics and literacy skills. Students also learn foundational habits like attention and obedience, which will be cultivated and built upon in their later years at The Field School.

A Day in Pre-K
Students begin each day with lauds, a time of praise and worship with the rest of The Field School students.
Morning Meeting
Back in the classroom, students engage in a few mini-lessons that make up Morning Meeting. This includes a hello greeting song, word games for phonemic awareness practice, and a short numeracy and social studies lesson using the calendar.
After a short wiggle break activity, students circle up for a Bible lesson. The Pre-K curriculum begins in Genesis and works its way through major stories in the Old Testament, ending with Jesus’ teachings, death, and resurrection.
Students enjoy one or two Specials classes with our Specials teachers each day: art, music, physical education, and Spanish.
Indoor Discovery time
After Specials, it’s time to play! Students practice playing, sharing, problem solving, and social skills while enjoying various classroom toys like blocks, kitchen, and dress up.
Reading Centers
For more intimate and specialized instruction, students are split up into groups of three to five for Reading Centers and snack time. At Reading Centers, students practice reading, writing and literacy with a teacher.

Lunch and Recess
Students enjoy lunch together in the classroom and fresh air outside during recess.
Math Centers
After recess, students will come back inside for one more round of centers—this time focusing on numbers, math, numeracy concepts.
Nature Walk
Once a week, students skip Math Centers to go outside for a nature walk, where they observe God’s beautiful creation and practice observational skills.
After finishing centers or a nature walk, students are given an hour and a half for napping/resting.
Afternoon Lesson and Dismissal
Students finish the day by preparing for dismissal and engaging in one final literacy lesson or read aloud.