Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the common questions we receive about tuition and financial aid, our educational philosophy, and the day-to-day life at The Field School.

How old does my child need to be for Pre-K or Kindergarten?
Your child must be four years old by September 1st of the year he or she would begin Pre-K and five years old by September 1st for Kindergarten. While many students' birth dates fall close to this date, we adhere strictly to this deadline to maximize success for all students. Please click HERE for a more detailed list of student requirements for admission to Pre-K or Kindergarten at The Field School.
What are the class sizes?
Classes cap at 16 to 20 students. In Pre-K through 1st grade, each teacher is supported by a classroom aide.
Can students enroll in half days?
Pre-K students may enroll in half days, and tuition will be discounted. For students in Kindergarten and above, only full days are available.
Do students have opportunities for free play during school?
Yes! Students enjoy outdoor recess every day the weather permits, and the younger grades have additional discovery time for free play.
Does The Field School require students to be Christian?
The foundation of The Field School’s educational philosophy and community life is Jesus Christ. All staff members confess and embody this truth, and students regularly study Scripture and attend morning worship each day. At the same time, The Field School welcomes all children regardless of religious background or faith.
Is The Field School affiliated with any local church or denomination?
No, the Field School is independent and non-denominational.
What kind of test must my child take to be considered for admission?
Each child will take an in-house math and reading assessment (please click HERE for more information about Pre-K and Kindergarten assessments) to determine academic readiness. Students (1st and above) who pass the academic assessment will be invited to return for a shadow morning with their current grade level class to determine social and emotional readiness.
Does The Field School employ regular standardized testing?
The Field School complies with any standardized tests required by Illinois state law.
How can I receive more information about The Field School?
For more information about The Field School, you can fill out this form, email, or call (773) 309-8010.